It’s time to get your slow growing fall and winter crops started. Don’t delay – plant today. Here’s why.
Productive Home Weekly Report: 7/1/17
An attempt to log weekly productive home achievements. Please join in!
How To Identify and Control Four Common Garden Pests of the Pacific Northwest
Here’s how to accurately identify and successfully control four of the most common garden pests in the Pacific Northwest garden: slugs, cabbage moth caterpillar, leaf miner, and pea leaf weevil.
The One Livestock Animal I'm Obsessed With
If I could make the impossible happen on my one-third of an acre, this is the one livestock animal I’d really want to have.
Productive Home Weekly Report: 6/24/17
An attempt to log weekly productive home achievements. Please join in!
Home Canned Spaghetti Sauce For People Who Like Ragu
What do you do if you love growing tomatoes and making homemade pasta sauce, but your partner only wants Ragu from the store? In this post, analysing the appeal of store bought pasta sauce, and crafting a homemade, home-canned version that can win over picky taste-buds.
Skimming Foam From Jam: Everything You Need To Know
Everything you’ve ever wanted to know about skimming the foam from jam. It is necessary for safe canning? Why do some jams foam more than others? What can you do with the foam you skim? Is there a way to stop jam from foaming? And more.
Simple Strawberry Vanilla Sauce
This strawberry sauce calls for only 3 ingredients – it’s an easy, versatile preserve.
Productive Home Weekly Report: 6/17/17
An attempt to log weekly productive home achievements. Please join in!
5 Things Friday: 6/16/17
Five Things Friday this week: simple salads, “Foods of the Enslaved,” how I carry my tools around, why young Greeks are going back to the land and more.
Productive People With Young Children: A Message From Your Future
All parents know there’s this ideal where you slow down, radiate constant availability, and move at the pace of a young child following a snail through the garden. And then there’s reality. All the love in the world, but also: your To Do list, nagging in the back of your mind; this feeling that you are being squeezed all the time, from all directions, and no matter how hard you work, or how organized you are, you can’t quite get out of the vice; a sense that those adorable, busy, tiny hands are thwarting your simple need for some adult accomplishment; the unbidden resentment when the 45 minutes you counted on to just get this one thing done evaporates as your kid unexpectedly vomits warm, semi-digested California roll down your back (true story).
Top 5 Cleaning Products To Hoard For The Zombie Apocalypse
Want to make sure your home cleaning preps are on point? Check out what 5 cleaning products are most important to stock for a long-term emergency situation.