This soup didn’t make the final cut for the book. That’s not, I hasten to say, because it’s not absolutely delicious and easy. But we already had a curried soup, and two seemed overkill, so this Thai-flavored smooth and creamy carrot soup ended up on the cutting room floor. When I was cleaning out the…
Recent Posts
Duckling Drama
Ducklings have basically taken over my life. Our story starts about two weeks ago, when we find one of our female Ancona ducks killed and, separately, a freshly hatched baby duckling hanging out under the other broody female. The next day, new mama duck Minkie takes the single duckling on a grand tour of the yard, quacking all…
The Life and Death of Ducks
Death Monday was pretty rough. My daughter came in from her normal morning check of the chickens and ducks and said, “I think Frances was attacked.” Out I rushed, and my daughter led me to the trail of feathers, the splatters of blood, the slaughtered but uneaten carcass of our female duck, Frances. Her neck…
The Honey Badger Cocktail
I’m quite sure that, were it not for that viral YouTube video of a Honey Badger, there would be no cocktails celebrating this ferocious, Cobra-snake-eating badass of an animal. The Honey Badger is what you might call an interpretive cocktail. Drinks based off memes are, by definition, not classics. There are as many variations of the Honey Badger Cocktail…
14 Easy Ways To Bring More Flavor To Your Food
There’s no magic to great cooking – but there are a few tricks. When you cook professionally, you’re always trying to find those little things that can help bump up the flavor of a dish. Here are 14 things that make my cooking better. I’d love to know your tips and tricks – if you’ve got something to…
The Cabbageworm Caterpillar In Your Garden: How To Control It
You can always tell the non-gardeners. They’re the ones who see the bland white butterflies with the black spots on their wings fluttering over my cabbage plants and say things like, “Ohmygosh how pretty! Butterflies!” Poor, poor, misguided fools. They never go crazy, like I do, for the dive-bombing glint of dozens of dragonflies. They never…
Eat From The Larder Challenge 2015
Maybe I didn’t plan very well when I enthusiastically committed to doing another Eat From The Larder Challenge this April. We already had a scheduled a family vacation. Non-negotiable. We already had a scheduled dinner-date with friends. Non-negotiable. We were completely out of butter. Clearly, running out of butter is a dire failure of larder maintenance….
Lawn To Garden In A Single Weekend: 6 Easy Steps
Just because gardening is an exercise in patience doesn’t mean gardeners are patient. If you want to join the grow-it-yourself club, and you don’t want to wait, you can turn your unproductive, resource intensive lawn into a ready-to-thrive vegetable garden this weekend. It’ll take some work, but probably less than you think. It’ll take money…
Every Natural Living Blog Post You’ve Ever Read
87 ways to remineralize your teeth. Oil pulling! Toxins! Oil Pulling For Toxins! Is sitting the new smoking? Herbal remedies for sitting THEY don’t want you to know about. Scientists discover the shocking reason why the Masai never get frostbite. The 92 items to NEVER eat at a salad bar if you want to correct…
The Jubilee Cocktail
Let’s say you need a really celebratory cocktail. Perhaps it’s time to toast a new baby, a promotion, or your first harvest of the year. It’s a special day and it deserves a special drink. That’s where the Jubilee Cocktail comes in. It’s a lighter, champagne-flute cousin to the French 75 with a very pleasing balance between grapefruit,…
Sunprint Naturally Dyed Easter Eggs in 5 Easy Steps
You know those things you see on Pinterest that look awesome when someone else does them, but you’re pretty sure they’re going to be a total disaster when you try them? These Sunprint-style eggs dyed with red cabbage were firmly in that “Likely Pinterest Fail” category for me. “This can’t possibly work,” I thought. But, my son was…
Monsanto Promotes RoundUp Cocktails: "Safe Enough To Drink"
In an attempt to revive slumping RoundUp sales, Monsanto today announced it would begin serving RoundUp based mixed drinks in the high-end cafeteria of the company’s St, Louis, MO based corporate headquarters. Monsanto’s bold announcement comes on the heels of Monsanto supporter and scientist Dr. Patrick Moore insisting Monsanto’s broad spectrum herbicide RoundUp was safe…