I take medication for depression. I’m fine. Don’t worry. But for awhile, some time after my son was born, I wasn’t okay. I dealt with being not okay pretty well, and kept up the facade of okay until one day when the facade cracked and I threw a bowl of blueberries across the kitchen and threw a folk into my kitchen cabinet and scared my kids.
What they didn’t know was that I had been scared for a while before that. Scared of the thoughts that popped into my head. Scared of how I would double over, wheezing and unable to catch my breath, panicking for no reason while totally safe in my own home. Scared of why I never wanted to get out of bed.
Some time after that – too long after that, in retrospect – I called a doctor’s clinic and, fighting back sobs, I asked for an appointment at the walk-in clinic that day. The receptionist asked why I needed to be seen and I choked out, embarrassed, “I think I have post-partum depression.”
“Oh,” she said, “We don’t normally see people for that at the walk-in clinic. Do you have a regular doctor I can book you with at their next available appointment?”
“I…I really think I need to see someone today.” There was some crying involved when I made that statement, and there’s a teeny bit now as I type this out, and remember it.
“I can get you in at 4:30.”
God bless that receptionist, and the nurse practitioner I saw that day. The nurse had five sons and understood that not sleeping for two years is a kind of special torture. She handed me kleenex and a stop-gap prescription for Sertraline and got me booked in with my now regular doctor for follow-ups.
Some time after that, I stopped having scary thoughts pop into my head unbidden. I was able to stop drinking too much wine as a kind of sick self-medication every night. I re-found the joy in raising my wonderful children.
It’s weird to talk about depression. It’s not like I had anything to be bummed about. I had (and have) a great husband, healthy kids, a great life. I go for walks, I practice active gratitude, I eat healthy fats. All that crap should have made me sunny-side up, all the time. But depression isn’t being sad. Telling someone with depression to just cheer up is like telling someone without a leg to just walk it off.
Why am I talking about this? Even as I write this, I don’t know if I’ll publish it. It’s a private thing, it feels private, and let’s face it – I’m a garden blogger. Who cares what I have to say about mental health? Plus, I imagine the barrage of not-helpful suggestions and comments and emails I’m opening myself up to – “you should try meditation not pills!” – because trust me, people have their opinions.
And yet…Robin Williams died Monday at his own hand. You don’t even have to be a fan of Mr. Williams to feel his loss; he was just part of the fabric of our collective consciousness. This man who made us laugh, this man who was outsized in his personality and in his life, this voice of fucking Disney characters was, according to news reports, battling severe depression. I know nothing about his personal life, of course, but his death says to me that he was awfully tired of that battle.
People all over are reading about Robin Williams and his suicide right now, and they are asking why? But I know why. People who know depression, they know why. The details and the individual differences aren’t that important; that big dysfunctional brain chemistry is common core. Nothing – not fame, or money, or prestige – can outrun brain chemistry.
Statistically, about a thousand people with depression will read my blog today. That’s a thousand people who have that scary, deep-bone understanding of why, and they probably don’t want to talk about this either. But still they know. Maybe they’ve had scary thoughts, too. Or maybe they just have enough experience with depression and enough imagination to extrapolate.
If you are in that thousand, and you are battling depression, please, please get help. The people who work with depression – doctors, therapists, naturopaths – whatever you’re comfortable with – they have seen it all before and they won’t laugh or judge or anything. And things can get back to normal, they really can. Depression is terrible. It is a terrible, scary, insidious mind-fuck. It’s not because you aren’t trying hard enough or aren’t “looking on the bright side” aggressively enough. Many things can trigger it, and it’s not your fault, and it doesn’t need to be forever.
And also, everyone go read this. It’s the most brilliant, hilarious, true description of depression I’ve ever read.
Rest in Peace, Robin Williams.
sharon thumann says
Thank you for sharing, I KNOW how hard it is to share something like this and I applaud you! Please, people, if you need help.. SEEK HELP!
Mary P. says
No offense, but it’s isn’t always enough to tell someone who is being sucked down by darkness to “seek help”. I “sought help” for many months with therapist who never even knew I was suicidal. She wasn’t the one for me and I luckily found a way to deal with depression. But if someone had said to me, “you need to find help” and left it at that, I might very well not be here to write this response. I think the message needs to go beyond what I’ve read here and so many other places lately. Often, “Seek help” needs to be expanded into, “It might be dark today, but there will be a day that is light. Please keep fighting. You are worth it.”
Claudette says
Mary, you’re right. “Seek help” isn’t enough, but it’s part of the answer. Talking about this stuff, destigmatizing it, helping to educate the people who deal with depressed people so they don’t do stupid things that make it harder for the depressed people are all part of the answer. There’s more I’m missing, I’m sure. There’s so much we have to do to make this better. As for you, I hope you’re doing better. I hope you’re still fighting. I hope you’re finding your answers. You’re worth it.
Toni says
I can somewhat understand what you are saying here, but we can not slap the hands of those who at least attempt to help us. If someone cares enough to recommend me to seek help that is enough. Yes, more could be done, but don’t criticize someone who actually is willing to offer help, as minuscule as it may be. We need to get away from thinking there are only certain avenues to travel to good health or that what we offer is never enough. All of us who suffer from depression have to find our own path to recovery ourselves and we can’t expect those who support us with love and compassion to magically know that path before we even know it ourselves. Don’t shut out the people who offer help, even if it may not be enough. Talking about our problems, even at the most basic level, is better than nothing at all.
Claudette says
Very wise, Toni. Very wise. I think sometimes people in the depths of depression feel like there is no right answer. It’s so frustrating–frustrating for them, frustrating for the people around them. I’ve been on both ends of that equation, and it feels like a no win situation all around.
I’m so grateful though that we’re having this conversation, because if we all start talking about it–what’s the right thing to do? what’s the wrong thing to do? –instead of everyone just trying to struggle through these nearly impossible situations in isolation, maybe it will get easier all around. Or maybe that’s just my antidepressants talking. 🙂
S says
Good call, Toni. I recently figured out I was struggling with depression after a long period of just thinking I’d turned into a boring, fearful, tired person. Some of my friends noticed a change in my behavior but didn’t feel comfortable telling me about it and instead withdrew from me. Had someone had the courage to mention, even a little, that I seemed like I could maybe use some help, I might have been able to seek some intervention sooner. Not everyone’s the same, but for me, with my first bout of depression, I really didn’t know that I was messed up; I just thought joy had receded from the world and was preparing to live without it. Gloriously that’s not the case. But I agree, while we may need more than ‘get some help’, a little notice is a first step for those of us who are unable to see beyond the fog of the depression on our own.
sharon thumann says
Sorry. I suffer from depression. I do understand. And this is the very reason I do not post often on blogs. I will remove or ask that it be removed should I offend anyone else. Have a nice day.
Claudette says
No, no. Keep talking Sharon. We understand. 🙂 Good luck Sharon. Keep fighting.
Julia says
No, you’ve done nothing wrong. Thanks so much for your comment. The more we all share, the better. Good for you to speak up!
Toni says
You are right on Sharon! Don’t berate your decision to talk, since that is what needs to happen more often! No one is discounting any opinions of anyone else and open discussions are the only way for us to gain more understanding of our own issues and those of others. Keep fighting the fight!
A says
Sharon, you are absolutely right. I remember secretly and desperately wanting someone, anyone, to recognize that I needed help, and wanting someone to suggest that I should seek treatment. It was like I needed permission.
Robin says
Thank you for writing this. How amazing that you can reach 1000 people with just one post. I’ve been there too and am so grateful to you for writing this for others.
Clare says
Thank you, Erica. For others reading, helpful books to use as tools are written by Julia Ross and Trudy Scott. Look them up and that can be a starting point for progress in addition to professional help.
Karen says
I second the recommendation for Julia Ross’s The Mood Cure. Good god…without that book… I’ve since passed it on to two other friends who have all made great strides forward!
Jens says
Hi Erica, seems that you are so much more than just a (make that my favorite) garden blogger. Thanks for this great post!
Sarah says
Erica, I can’t tell you what a beacon of hope this post is to me this morning after another long night of the insomnia that has coupled itself with my current round of depression. You are one of those bloggers I wish I personally knew, one I respect very highly, whose values and goals most closely match my own.
The most annoying and shameful facet of depression, at least for me, has been exactly what you said: it’s not like I have anything to be bummed about. No horrible trauma, no sickening lack gives me a reason for the feelings that overwhelm. And when failure is already your most defining self-descriptor, that lack of reason only strengthens the sense of worthlessness.
I came across a particularly painful and angry article about Robin Williams last night that blamed him violently for his choice to leave his family in so much pain. Reading it felt almost like physical blows raining down on the one mantra that has carried me through this: I can’t leave my babies without a mother.
A few weeks ago, when I opened up to my own mother about how I’d been feeling, she seemed unsurprised, observing how little joy I seemed to find in my children. What a wrench to a (depressed) mother’s heart. It’s been like that with everything, though, and I’d never realized how much the joy of simple tasks pulls me through the work of the day.
If you, strong, committed, life-filled woman that you are, can feel this way and talk about it openly, then maybe there’s nothing wrong, nothing shameful about the fact that I feel this way, too. Thank you, thank you for sharing.
Erica says
Yes, even the most well meaning of things can become one more reason we suck. My husband, for months, would go out of his way to give me space to garden or go exercise, or whatever – the many things that historically would have made me feel better – and those opportunities, in my mind, just became yet another thing I was failing at when they didn’t change anything. I always loved my son, but in retrospect I should have known that something deeper was wrong when I had to remind myself to talk to him as an infant. I never shut up around my older daughter, but with my son I just felt so heavy so much of the time there wasn’t much room for joy. You’re not a bad mom, it’s not just you. Go talk to someone. Don’t wait. For real – the joy can come back, I promise.
Mary P. says
Thank you for sharing this. Sometimes people who are depressed are good at hiding it. Very good. I was very good. I hid it from my friends and family and co-workers, and each day, I would think of ways I could kill myself. Every day. But I was very practical in these thoughts–probably my only saving grace–and the only thing that ever stopped me was playing out how my daughter would find my body. That thought was what always halted me actually carrying it though. Sure, I told myself, the kids were adults and they’d eventually get over the suicidal death of their mother. (Or so I told myself.) But, having my daughter find my body wasn’t something I thought she’d “get over”.
So, instead I worked hard to pull myself out of the darkness that had consumed my world.
How I did this doesn’t really matter, as this process can be different for every person, but what does matter is that I’m here.
Carol C. says
Yes me too Mary P. For me it was the thought of my beloved wife attempting to cope with my loss. I believe I am alive today because my concern for her was barely enough to overcome the hopelessness. I applaud this post and all the sharing in comments. Thank you.
Julie @ Southern Wild Design says
You are so brave to bare this in your blog. And why is it that we are embarrassed by not feeling “normal.” Whatever that is. Hang in there. There is never a need to justify or quantify to anyone how you are feeling. It just is. ~Juile
Joy says
As a Depressed Person, much of your post could have come from my thoughts. I thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for writing this.
Jadi Campbell says
Bravos for a brave, honest, and timely post. Thank you for speaking out.
Bruce says
Thank you, thank you, thank you. After (another) long, sleepless night, I ‘wake’ to find this in my inbox. Tears of commiseration and acknowledgment are streaming down my face. (No, I don’t cry. Guys don’t cry, right? Must be somebody else.)
Thank you for having the courage to share these personal thoughts.
We love you and thank you.
Chris says
You are a brave and wonderful person. Thank you for posting your story.
Emmie O says
Wow. You really hit home here.
I went through everything you talked about many, many years ago. So long ago that I’d forgotten – not that it happened – but what it felt like. I have tears in my eyes right now. Tears of compassion for those who are in that place right now, and tears of relief and joy that I am not. I don’t mean that flippantly or selfishly, but I guess this is my “aha” moment for how far I’ve come. It was a LONG road, but definitely worth it.
To those still in that place: DO NOT GIVE UP. DO NOT GIVE IN. DO WHATEVER YOU NEED TO DO TO KEEP GOING. It is SO worth it in the end. My prayer for you today is that you’ll simply hang on and keep going. Every moment that you do this brings you one step closer to the freedom and fulfillment and joy that is waiting for you. It’s there, I promise.
Dorothy says
Extremely well said.
Kay says
This is probably the most important thing you have ever written. Of course we all read your blog for gardening information but by sharing your story you have shown how depression can be managed. I am sure you have helped you readers more than you can imagine. Even those not depressed probably has a relative, friend or co-work that is. The more we understand depression the better able to be supportive.
Sarah says
Amen. One thousand times amen.
Kate says
Yup. Good job.
Bridget says
Yes. A thousand times yes. I’m sorry you, too, understand.
That link is one of my favorite depictions, too. Especially this panel of “Look guy, I don’t know what it’s like in I-Still-Have-Meaning-In-My-Life-Land, but every direction looks like bullshit right now.”
Claudette says
If there’s any good that has come from Robin Williams’ death, it’s the national conversation we’re having about depression. It’s amazing how many people suffer from it at one point or another. Throw in the people who love those people, and it really touches almost everyone really deeply. It’s amazing we function at all. How have we not been talking about this more?
And as best as I can tell, depression comes in different forms. I think it’s important we understand that. There’s no one size fits all here. In some cases, it’s a genetic thing that people suffer from their whole lives. In others, it’s something that hits them later in life like a shit ton of bricks. In some cases, it’s a void of nothingness. In some cases, it’s a raging mood swings. I’m sure there are other variations too.
In my case, depression is genetic. For most of my life, I thought differently. I figured my parents had just had shitty lives and that’s why they were depressed. When I started acknowledging the symptoms in myself (notice I didn’t say “seeing” the symptoms, because, really they had been there all along), I just told myself some positive thinking or force of will or some bullshit like that would sort it out. It wasn’t until my daughter was an infant and I wasn’t sleeping much and it really started getting worse that I told my husband that I wanted to go see our family doctor. It went against all his good Irish “buck up” instincts, but bless his heart, he made the appointment for me right away. Glory hallelujah, the doctor found the right medication for me right away, and things improved very quickly.
That was about 7 years ago now. I’m happy to say that it’s hard for me to remember what being depressed is like now. I’ve been on medication ever since and I feel like a “normal” person. For most of my life, I’ve had two reactions to situations–my intellectual reaction (the one I thought through and felt was appropriate to the situation) and my emotional reaction (the one controlled by the raging, blazingly insane hormonal imbalance in my head). For me, a simple pill every day lets the intellectual reaction “win” the vast majority of the time now. What a relief.
My one word of caution is that in the beginning, the doctors liked to tell me encouragingly “you don’t have to be on the medication forever.” I think they thought I would be distressed about having to take them for the rest of my life, or they were thinking that I was the type of depressed that’s temporary. I was too shy at first to say “I want to be on the pills forever! I’m finally the person I thought I could be my whole life. Please don’t take it away from me.” Since then, I’ve since had that conversation, and I’ve been assured, I can stay on the antidepressants forever if that’s the right solution for me. Don’t be shy with your doctors. They are there to help, but they need you to tell them what’s going on.
Erica, bless your heart for posting this blog. You have proven once again that you are the bravest of emotional souls.
margie says
Your comment about wanting to be on the pills forever is so funny. See, I was really resistant to medication for depression/anxiety, and when I started them I kept asking for assurances from the doctor that I could get OFF the drugs as soon as I was feeling better. She did not offer that assurance, and as it turned out once I was on the meds and my outlook improved, I was able to see just how much better I was functioning with them and how sick I was before. It was amazing, and now I never want to be without them either.
(Longtime reader, first-time delurker. Thank you Erica for sharing your story).
Claudette says
Glad they are working for you Margie! 🙂
Elena Williams says
You were very brave to open yourself up to this exposure. Thank you and the many others who are being honest about the topic that hits so many. Best wishes.
MQ says
Funny, isn’t it? Peculiar, not ha-ha! When someone has diabetes, they are not expected to meditate their way out of it. If their thyroids aren’t functioning correctly, it’s OK it take Synthroid. Sheesh, even if they have acid reflux there’s no stigma in taking one of the ‘purple pills’. But have dysfunctional brain chemistry and it’s a different story. I want to yell, “Get over it, you judgemental idiots.” The brain is an organ. The pancreas is an organ. The thyroid is an organ. The body is a collection of complex systems and processes. When one of them isn’t working well, we find a way to ‘fix’ it. If a temporary fix enables the body to heal itself, wonderful. If the body needs continual help for a ‘sustainable’ future–great, we have the technology.
Be careful, those of you who love to be Stronger Than Thou. Karma has a way of biting us all on the butt. Learn to be empathetic and supportive before you are in need of someone to be those things for you.
Pat M says
The diabetes metaphor is exactly what I’ve used for years. When I realized I had depression I was completely open about it to coworkers as well as friends and family. I refused to be stigmatized by a physiological problem that could happen to anyone. Result? Many people opened up with their own stories, including a veteran battling PTSD.
Federal Way Mom says
This wasn’t an easy post to write, I’m sure. And I agree with Claudette. The resulting conversation after such a tragic death is long overdue. I’ve battled post-partum for three years now. We Moms don’t talk about it. It just doesn’t seem as important as losing all the baby weight, breast feeding until the kids are teens, and then talking about the appropriate age for smart phones for our kids.
It’s long overdue. And considering what you blog about, personally, I think YOUR opinion is far more important than the talking heads on TV. Thank you for write this post. Thank you even more for sharing it with us.
Heather in Oregon says
4yrs ago, after many years of depression and two babies I was finally diagnosed with bipolar II. This means that while my highs don’t reach mania level (they’re called hypomania), the depression is just as severe (suicide rates between those with bipolar I and bipolar II are basically the same). When unmedicated I had what is known as rapid cycling which means that you have a full bipolar cycle (depression-‘normalcy’-hypomania) 4 or more times a year. I had one every 3-5 wks and the depression phase generally lasted from 5-10 days. I was suicidal just about EVERY ONE of those depressive phases for over 15 years. The only reason I never committed suicide was because my depression left me so exhausted and unmotivated that I couldn’t summon the energy to go through with it. There was a woman from a town neighboring the one we used to live in that I had met her once through a friend. Almost 3wks ago she disappeared only to be found a couple of weeks later to have left home to commit suicide. Her family and friends did not know she was depressed and suicidal. She left behind her husband and two young sons as well as her extended family and friends. This hit me so hard because had I been able to summon the energy, so many times over, that would have been me. I can’t speak for her but for me not only was the combination of pain and extreme apathy unbearable but I believed that I was tormenting my husband and children by being in their life and rather than my death being a terrible, agonizing thing for them, I believed that it would bring them relief. I am so grateful that I was never able to go through with it. My wake-up call came when my husband and I were having a discussion about suicide (not specific to me) and I made some comment about how everyone people feels suicidal at some point or another. He looked shocked as said that no matter how bad things ever got he had never thought of it and many people he knew never had. He then asked me how often I had felt it and when the last time was. When I admitted that I felt it regularly and as recently as a couple of weeks ago he quietly started to freak out and made me find a counselor the next day. I had seen her within a week as an emergency call and she told me she thought I had bipolar but that I would need a formal diagnosis and treatment plan from a psychiatrist. 2 wks later I had seen one, was formally diagnosed, and started the long process toward trying to get me appropriately medicated. 6 mos later, for the first time in over 15yrs, I was stable. I was enjoying my children consistently and they were not afraid of me. I had never physically hurt them but I would have such rage during the transition between hypomania and depression that I would scare them. It doesn’t go as smoothly for everyone, some people take years to find the right diagnosis and/or treatment plan. Just seeking help is rarely the solution. It is often a combination between treatment, dedication to a balanced lifestyle (eating well, getting outside every day, and regular exercise, all things we should be doing anyway) and careful attention to where you are at. I would also argue that being transparent with the people in your life is vital. They cannot help if they do not know. I didn’t want to tell people about my diagnosis because I didn’t want to be thought of as a drama queen, unfit mother, or someone who simply didn’t try hard enough to be okay. While I rarely bring it up on it’s own, I am willing to tell anyone about my experiences and diagnosis because I want it to be de-stigmatized and I want people to feel okay about finding help.
Thank you for this. The more people who are willing to acknowledge the issue, the easier it is to find and often to be willing to accept help.
Claudette says
Heather, you are so brave to tell us your story. Thanks for that. I’m glad you’re working your way through it. Bless your husband’s heart for latching on so quick when you casually mentioned suicide and for acting so quickly.
Ginger says
Thank you for sharing. I am so glad you got help, and sorry about your neighbor.
Kay says
Thank you Erica for sharing this. Thank you Heather for sharing your story as well. As I read through Erica’s blog post to much hit close to home. But because I go back and forth from depression to feeling great I’ve been hesitant to look for help. A close friend has suggested many times that I may have a bipolar disorder and should look for help, I always shrug it off and say ‘things will even out eventually’. Now I’m not sure. I don’t judge those who use medication, but I’m not sure if I could handle that (very resistant to medications due to other personal experiences) Don’t really know what to do next, but I should try something. Surrounding myself with life has been my way to cope, not to make me feel better but to have living things rely on me. 1 dog, 2 cats, a boyfriend, and family. Knowing the dog needs feed and to be let out is often the only thing that gets me out of bed.
Heather in Oregon says
Cyclical depression, even if your high points aren’t significantly higher than your ‘normal’ phases can indeed be a sign of bipolar. Because I didn’t know this I was repeatedly diagnosed (by primary care doctors rather psychiatrists) with depression and given anti-depressants. That can be disastrous for people with bipolar disorder because it can easily throw you into a manic state. The only times I have had full blow mania rather than hypomania have been when I was on anti-depressants. Even though people with bipolar disorder have such pronounced depressive phases, they actually still have an excess of seratonin, which SSRI’s are designed to raise. There are three major neurochemicals that play a part in your mental balance- seratonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine and too much or too little of any or all of them can cause major problems. Factors that play a part in creating those imbalances can be excessive electrical activity in the brain (sometimes called brainstorms), genetics, traumatic events, and lifestyle- in particular if it includes drug use. I would encourage you to seek a formal diagnosis. Unless you are a danger to yourself or others to the point of requiring involuntary hospitalization or a formal guardianship you cannot be forced to take medication. There are non-medication ways to at least lessen some of the symptoms but they require a dedication to them that can be pretty hard to follow through with when depressed and people often think they don’t need them when they are in a hypomanic or manic phase. It would be very important to have a support system that would be willing to really push you to maintain them. They include fish oil (Carlson’s liquid, 2tsp a day has a much higher content of omega-3’s, DHA, and EPA which are the relevant components), meditation, getting outside EVERY DAY no matter the weather unless it’s truly dangerous, getting regular exercise, vitamin D supplements, and eating almost entirely whole foods. I was extremely anti-medication but I was afraid of what I was doing to my kids and decided that the possible benefits outweighed things enough that I was willing to try. I was lucky enough to be considered a good candidate for one of the medications with the least side effects and so far it has remained effective at the same dose for the last 3 1/2 years. Choosing whether or not to take meds is a very personal decision but if you can bring yourself to try it for a year or so you might find that it helps immensely and no long feels personally threatening to you. However, there is no guarantee of that and I totally understand that you simply might not be able to overcome your past experiences in order to do it.
Kay says
Thank you so much for all that information. I will follow through with a diagnosis from a psychiatrist along with all the lifestyle changes and supplements you suggested (it will be a challenge but I am lucky to have a support group and a stubborn nature). This was a good push along with my family and friends being concerned for the past few years. I’ve been in the ‘I dealt with being not okay pretty well’ stage for a long time now. Truly, thank you all. For those who are in the same situation as I am, this shit sucks and it’s not your fault.
Tacoma Grama says
@Kay — As with everything human, all of our brains are different. Finding what brings YOU to *wanting* to walk the dog without running him (?) to exhaustion, or feeding the cats without thinking they would enjoy catching the fish, is the work of a professional assisted by YOUR input and feedback. But that work is critical, even essential!!! All too often we need to ask someone to make that first call, and to hold our hands through the trial.
The sky comes in many guises, but we know that all of them are needed for the garden to reveal its many colors and secrets. So, too, each of our brains requires different inputs to bring out the various wonders within us.
Erica, thank you so much for writing this! And @Sarah, @Bruce, @Emmie O, @Heather, and all of this wonderful, caring and sharing community Erica has gathered — thank you for being there!!!
Kenneth says
Thank you. Well said.
Henrietta says
You managed to say everything I’ve been thinking about Robin Williams death, AND link to my favourite, the most accurate description of depression I’ve ever seen.
I am one of the thousand. I’ve fought since around age 12 until now 38, and have accepted that the fight will continue for the rest of my life. Like you, I sought help, like you I take medication, and like you I’m just fine because I continue treatment. It’s just a condition I deal with, like some deal with diabetes. But it’s seldom something I talk about because there’s still so much stigma.
Thank you for helping to break down the stigma. Thanks for your bravery, humour and big heart.
Chris says
Thanks for sharing the link…..it is eye opening
Laurel says
Thank you for explaining that. I have some friends who are on meds for their depression and I’ll be sure not to every try those tactics that are in the cartoon. BTW, that blogpost with the cartoons is the funniest thing I’ve seen in years. I know it’s a serious topic but I literally blew water out my nose.
barbara says
thank you
Sarah M. says
Erica, Thank you so much for sharing your story and adding your voice to those who are speaking out about depression. I love everything about your blog, but especially how candid you are. Very much appreciated and I wish you the best. <3
Beth R. says
Thank you for sharing this. I’ve been un-treated for a few months now, as I left a therapist who wasn’t working for me. It’s become clear that I need to find someone, and I have a mental health nurse practitioner lined up to call, but my fear of calling and my anxiety about having to find childcare so I can go to therapy have made it hard to actually do it. Maybe today I’ll be able to make that phone call.
Beth says
Would you permit me to reblog this? I have not suffered this way but was married to a man who was clinically depressed and refused the help that was needed to try to work through it. There was little anyone could explain to me how he was feeling and you did a great job. I would also add on my blog that help IS needed and can most likely really help.
Tacoma Grama says
@Beth — check yourself (and the child you share?) for PTSD. Lotsa hugs!
Anne Figge says
This makes it into the top ten of youe blog posts in my book. Thank you. And by the way, you’re not just a garden blogger.
Rachel Hoff says
Thank you for posting this. And big ((((hugs)))) to you. I dealt with depression as a teenager but we didn’t have the resources to seek help. I’m glad that as an adult I haven’t had to look at that darkness again, but it is one of the many reasons I don’t want to have children. I don’t want to risk going back to that place.
vernie says
Thanks for posting and for the link. Genius. Love you.
Colleen Green says
Thank you for your grace & honesty. I suffered from depression for a brief moment in time.
Takes courage to talk about it. I appreciate you. The link is good too.
Melissa Jamison says
Erica~ I love this post and love you too sister!
You are such a blessing to those of us who have suffered with depression and for the loved ones who have to watch us suffer.
Bless you “)
Megan says
Thank you for your candor. I wish more people like you, and like me, were able to speak these truths into the collective imagination. Mental illness is stupidly taboo and therefore isolating to the millions that feel that they are suffering alone. Thank you for your words.
Jodie says
It takes great courage to publicly discuss such deeply personal issues, and I applaud you for hitting the “publish this NOW!” button – you may never know how many people you may have just helped – or even to better understand someone they know; what they’re going through. But if it’s just one person you just encouraged to seek help, and perhaps saved their life…BRAVO!! I applaud you for taking the leap of faith into the unknown, not knowing what sick assholes might make stupid comments – fuck them – it takes courage to do what you just did, and I thank you.
Gina says
Thank you for sharing something so personal. I too have had my ups and downs with depression in my life. I’m so grateful for the support of my husband and adult children, as I’ve gone through it. It’s not something we have control over. Unfortunately, people who have never been in our position think all we need to do is just think happier thoughts and cheer up. My own mother used to tell me that I just needed to relax. Oh! If only it were that simple we would do it in a heartbeat!
It is sad that Mr. Williams ended his life, but I hope that he has brought out how terrible it really is to be depressed, and that more people reach out for help because of this.
Melynda@OurSundayCafe says
I think no life is untouched by depression. It may not be “you” but it sure is someone you love, if not you. I have lost someone I loved dearly to suicide, because of depression. I appreciate your reaching out, your willingness to put it on the line in other areas on your blog, gives substance for folks to listen when it is not a post on gardening or cooking with what came from the garden. Thank you.
Ginger says
Crying…. actually it was good to flush my eyes so thoroughly. The smoke from the NW wildfires has really been bothering my eyes!
Erica, thank you for sharing and especially for sharing the link to Hyperbole and a Half. That is the most accurate explanation of how depression can feel that I’ve ever read.
I didn’t have post partum… but my depression/anxiety hit a point where I started meds when my son was a toddler. I can remember packing for a trip on Christmas Eve and NOT panicking, NOT having my stomach in knots… That’s when it hit me “The meds are working!”
When I (and my husband eventually) started taking anti-depressants we’d say stuff like – “My life isn’t that bad, (or complicated, or whatever) what’s wrong with me that I can’t handle it?” I wondered if it was just modern life and the demands we put on ourselves.
But then I remember my mom drank. And reading a number of memoirs I’ve seen a lot of women drank – or otherwise self-medicated. And men drank too.
And, Erica, you alluded to drinking too much wine. So I decided I’d rather be on a prescribed medication with doctor’s oversight than self-medicating. I have to go talk to her at least once a year before she re-prescribes (and I’m proud to have decreased my dose as my kids have become more self-sufficient!)
My husband has periodically asserted that he ‘shouldn’t’ need meds. But depression, anxiety – whatever you want to label it – is an illness or chronic condition. And we medicate for allergies, asthma, diabetes… so why shouldn’t we allow ourselves to medicate for mental health issues?
As far as talk therapy, meditation, exercise to relieve the mental issues. It may be ‘preferable’ to meds. But adding another appointment into an already BUSY overbooked, life just creates more anxiety! My SIL used to harp ‘you need to exercise” YES, I do, but exactly who is supposed to cook dinner or pick the kids up from band practice?
So, anyway, hang in there Erica. Anyone else who could relate to what she wrote, please don’t be afraid to seek professional help.
Maria says
Thank you for your honesty and courage and for opening our eyes to depression.
Nancy Sutton says
You have always been more than just an exceptional garden blogger… you have epitomized the courage to be one’s self… and share one’s story… inspiring more of us to be/do the same. (Maybe more of a gift than the very valuable garden advice.) Thanks, again.
Nadia Q says
I sincerely appreciate the courage it took to revisit your past and summarize uber complex situations and emotions. Depression comes in so many different forms and I feel like everyone will be able to relate one way or another in different seasons of their lives. The death of Robin Williams has sent such a humbling wave that left us standing in awe of the fragility of life and the humility it takes to be a fully awake. I don’t think that wave has finished its business.
Nanu Nanu.
Nadia Q
Joby says
Thank you for sharing this.
Its amazing how much ignorance there seems to be surrounding this issue.
One of the most appalling things I have been reading are the grossly insensitive comments written by people who think that depression is a coat you can take off and say that people who are suicidal are just “bitching out”.
I mean WOW. Maybe its fear that causes this sort of reaction in people? I don’t know but essays like yours here are brave admissions which can help to move all our collective consciousness about these issues in a more positive direction.
Thank you again
Bonne says
Sometimes I think that the people who say the nastiest things are trying to push the fear of their OWN depression away. Shakespeare had it right…”Methinks…..” I was diagnosed with depression about 20 years ago, also an anxiety disorder, and started taking Rxs. Life is much better, but, truly, the struggle does continue. I remind myself daily that life is good and worth sticking around for, no matter what anyone else has to say.
Laura Johnson says
I think that through out life things happen that cause depression. I had baby blues 52 years ago. There was no term or treatment then. Finally snapped out of it. But, I remember.
Had a cornea transplant a few years ago – that went wrong. Could not read or drive for 5 months. Felt like my life, as I knew it, was over. And then just getting older, bouts of ,”what am I going to do the rest of my life? But they pass quickly with a new idea.
So, it happens. But, when there is not a reason, like a baby, operation, etc. What is the cause?
I really appreciate your blog. I just never knew .
Marie Ogier says
Thank you, thank you for this article. Mine started after my second child. The name “Depression”, “Anxiety” & “Panic Attacks” leads us to believe it’s our own failing and I tried eating right and forcing myself to work out. After all I’d Firewalked, mind over matter. I could tackle this, Right?! Finally with medication I got well enough to realize it was bio-chemical and not my mind. I came forward with it because I was working with hundreds, if not, a couple thousand women at the time. All said, “No, Marie, not YOU!” I considered myself a 17 year survivor. My specialist said, “You test my self image as, ‘The Answer Man'”. I had the thickest file in his office. For me, after a year, I was finally able to get off medication by going Gluten Free. Sure wish I’d known about that 25 years earlier! My kids would have known a much different Mom. There is help out there, Folks, and you are not alone!
cptacek says
Wow, interesting that getting off gluten allowed you to get off your medication. I wonder how many other undiagnosed food allergies or other intestinal/gut problems are a root cause for others.
Christina says
Toxin overload from Lyme Disease can also be a usually undiagnosed cause of depression that we don’t hear hardly anything about, just FYI.
Amber says
Dear Erica,
You made me cry, in a good way. Thank you. Really, you are a brave woman.
I know what it means to be there. And having horrible thoughts. It really wasn’t about not wanting to live, it was about not being able to see other options anymore. Like your mind goes into a one way tunnel of exhaust and fear. One needs help to get out of that tunnel and look around in life again.
I think you helped a lot of people today…
Andres says
Thank you for sharing.
Margit Van Schaick says
Thank you, Erica, and commenters, for being so brave, to acknowledge pain and suffering, to share experience, to actually be part of building a COMMUNITY, wherein we can help each other through sharing knowledge and love. Reaching out to get help and to help is to begin the process of healing. Progress is being made in understanding how the brain works. In my work as a Social Security Disability advocate, I see many people with severe depression. Just recently, I learned that genetic testing can also sometimes resolve deep depression: a genetic mutation can interfere with frolic acid being properly absorbed by the brain, causing depression. It’s quite easily treated. Wow! Amazing blessings of modern science.
Cora says
Thanks so much for sharing your story. The more we normalize mental health problems, the less the stigma overshadows sufferers, and more people can hopefully get the help they deserve. I’ve had issues with anxiety and depression, and the thing that really used to get me is that it seemingly MAKES NO SENSE! But it does. It’s an illness, just like any other. And there are treatments. And knowing that other people are going through the same things really helps. So speak out, everybody, and listen.
Noelle says
Great post, very brave. I highly recommend the book Nutrient Power by Dr William Walsh, who is at the forefront of determining what is going on with a person’s brain chemistry, and more importantly, how to correct it as naturally as possible (drugs are used where really necessary). In his book I read that much of post-partum depression is linked to an incorrect copper:zinc ratio that is due to the copper that was needed during pregnancy being released as no longer needed once the baby is born. Some people aren’t as good at getting rid of the excess copper (largely genetic), and it can lead to PPD. Hope this info helps someone! Meditation, etc can only get you so far, at some point the body’s chemistry needs to be corrected too.