When the USS Enterprise is in a big ol’ space battle, there comes a point where Captain Kirk, or Captain Picard or whoever is sitting in the big chair, has to “direct all power to the shields.”
Everything else gets sent into reserve-power-mode: lights dim, warp speed is out of the question and the photon torpedoes might as well be phasers set on stun. All energy is being given to the shields. Because that’s how they protect the ship.
All my emotional energy has been given towards shields these past few days.
I wasn’t going to talk about this, but then I thought – meh, fuck it. I’m constantly answering questions and teaching and thinking about how I can give to my readers – I can ask for a little payback – a little take – and put up a post where I just rant and vent and talk my shit out.
There are moments when I really hate blogging. I mean, moments where I come this close to hitting “delete” on my entire Facebook page and throwing my laptop out the window.
You know why? It’s not because I don’t like writing (love it), or sharing on Facebook, or the weird technical side of maintaining this website.
It’s because some people are just douche-waffles. Not many – most people are great – but it doesn’t take a lot of shit in the pool to ruin the swim for everyone, does it? There are mean, petty, crazed-by-righteous-anger or owned-by-petty-hate people out there and I despise that this blog makes me vulnerable to them.
I know this goes with the territory – ah, yes, the ubiquitous internet troll – because apparently we’ve become a people who expect responses that couple Klan-member-esque levels of divisive hate with Kindergarden-level grammar and spelling served up with everything. Got an opinion? Apparently you should feel totally reasonable presenting your opinion in the form of a personal attack – everyone else does. Maybe throw in a good racial slur or the word “fag” for good measure, because this is the internet. Go ahead, be an asshole! Everything is anonymous anyway!
My friends tell me “the wind blows hardest at the top of the mountain,” and “they are just looking for an audience so you should be flattered you are big enough to get those comments,” and other very sage advice that somehow fails to change my heart.
See, I really hate waking up to emails, comments on my blog and Facebook posts on my page that express gleeful joy at the idea of disemboweling me (true story, happened last week). I hate the emotional drain of having to bounce back from people who go out of their way to let me know how eager they are for me to die (that was this morning). I’m not keen on being called a “vile sadist wretch of a so-called human” or a “cold heartless bitch” (both direct quotes) and I particularly loathe that time and mental attention that should go to my husband, or kids, or garden gets syphoned off to dealing with these assholes.
Even if the time this stuff takes is just clicking “delete” and “ban user” on Facebook or “unapprove” under the comments section of my blog’s administrative panel, I’m left to manage my own emotional reaction. And while “just ignore it” and “you can’t control other people” is exceptionally good advice, it’s not always so simple.
I am far, far less tender-hearted than I used to be about this kind of thing. I used to internalize every criticism because I just wanted to do a good job as a writer and as a teacher and as someone who shares information. I was open to hate because I was open.
Now? Well, let’s just say it takes a lot more to rattle me than it used to. My skin is, ever so slowly, thickening.
But growing thicker skin doesn’t happen overnight. At the beginning of spring, if your hands have grown soft from a winter of living inside, and you pick up a rake or a hoe or a shovel and spend hours preparing soil or raking bark or something, you don’t end up with thick, strong calluses on your fingers – you end up with blood blisters. Push it too far and you just end up wounded.
And so it is emotionally. My ability to withstand this kind of bullshittery has developed in response to experiencing it. And while your run-of-the-mill trolling and criticism doesn’t affect me at all anymore, dramatic upticks in the levels of hate still cause the emotional blood blisters until I can adapt, process, move past. And in the meantime I protect myself from the onslaught of hate by directing all energy to the shields. As if I have time to practice my dedicated non-attachment when the kids need lunches packed. Damnit, Jim I’m a gardener, not a monk.
The thick skin comes at a cost. For me, because this isn’t a job, this isn’t an obligation, this isn’t something I get paid to put up with – I find it hard to find the enthusiasm to be open, to compose posts, share ideas and build community, when I am so busy inside, closing myself off, walling things off.
The truth is, I don’t really know if I’m cut out for this. Part of this culture that I am a part of – this online culture – it sickens me. Having this noisy, braying rabble spew their pathetic, impotent hatred at me for no reason other than that I’m here – I’ll admit it knocks me off-course in a way that might make it impossible for me to truly last online. Being just the latest human being who gets turned into a people piñata for the entertainment and amusement of others – well, it’s not really what I was going for when I started this blog to teach people in my own hometown when to plant their cabbages.
Knowing I’m just one of hundreds or thousands of bloggers dealing with the same shit right now….that doesn’t make me feel some kind of rah rah solidarity, it just makes me feel discouraged.
Don’t get me wrong, this isn’t a cry for atta-boys. I don’t need to be lifted up, or told nice things. I’m not depressed, I’m just tired, so very tired. I know how supportive and awesome and amazing you, my real, regular readers are. I know, I do. And I appreciate it so much and I thank you.
There are moments when dilution is the only solution – and so I’m going to stop trying to protect you guys from my “professional problems,” and from the reality of what it sometimes costs me to pay-to-play here as your friendly local blogger. So I’m leaning in to you, I’m diffusing this off my shoulders through good old fashioned bitching, not by rising above.
In fact, fuck rising above.
Yeah, right now, I’m not going to pretend that I’m all Zen Cool about random strangers wanting me dead. I’m not going to “let it go” and “not hold on” and all those other namaste things that I’ve been trying to do because that seems like what I should do. Nah, for a change I’m just going to let myself feel good and pissed-off that sometimes the douche-waffles show up and poop in my goddamned pool.
My friend told me a great thing the other day. She said, “Oh when people ask how it’s going, I just say ‘F.I.N.E.’ and leave it at that. Of course, F.I.N.E. is an acronym for ‘Fuck, It Never Ends’”
So how are you doing? Me? Oh, I’m F.I.N.E. Thanks for asking.
I’ve had some of those F.I.N.E. days too. My ears can take it. Let it out when you need to. Hate those emotional blood suckers. I love your style of writing and I love the information you give to us so freely. Hugs to you.
Man, I am really glad this wasn’t a recipe post.
I have not had your responses, but then again, I don’t have your (sized) audience either. And while my posts are very middle of the road and possibly of no interest at all to some ( ho hum, Sunday dinner with the family where everyone gets along-boring!) the same thing happens silently over here, a quick drop off of followers. And while I never started this to be popular or get rich, at the same time, this behavior is selfishly rude. When I see a post such as yours, I am feel shame, because for some reason we as adults in this world, should have better manners to each other. Yet we don’t. What we do is take great pride in the “selfie” photos that we post on various social media platforms, and take every available opportunity to spew endless hatred, while erroneously acting like it is mature and our right to be rude, thoughtless and worse of all wrong. Opps, did you hear that? Yeah my numbers just fell…..
PS not giving “atta boys” but this old dog looks forward to the posts you offer.
me too!
Getting it off your chest is good. Big Hugs from NW UK.
love Andrea.
“People piñata”, ha. Head up, girlie and carry on. Hang in there. People are assholes, and I’ve learned there is very little anyone can do about assholes.
You write about onions and jam, not the Tea Party or the Affordable Care Act. What the hell is there for people to get so mad about? I hardly ever comment on here, but I read every post, and I would sure as hell miss you if you stopped. You’re also responsible for my Mr. Money Mustache obsession, so there’s that.
I hope you’re ok. I’ve read enough of your stuff to know that a post like this only happens when people are seriously getting you down.
This is pretty much exactly what I was going to say. WTF.
Oh Sarah, you took the words right out of my mouth! For the life of me I can not fathom why anyone would want to spew hatred over the best way to grow carrots and squash!
I believe the anonymity of the internet has truly allowed the free reign of the here-to-for hidden sociopath!
The Northwest Edible Life is the bomb! You keep it up girl! Post some of those sociopath’s comments and let us have at them for awhile!
What they all said. Gah.
I’m not in the Pacific Northwest (southern California), and so I can’t use a lot of your suggestions, but I still LOVE your writing and your posts and smile when I see something from you in my in-box.
Ditto here.
I, too, am in So Cal and really appreciate your writing style and everything you share with us.
There are far too many assholes in the world. Please don’t take them seriously, they have no lives and just want to make others miserable. Don’t let ’em do it to you, Erica!
Big hugs to you!
Couldn’t agree more! I also read every post, look forward to them, and would miss you like crazy. I’m sorry you are dealing with trolls. I am not going to try to give any advice, but I’ll say that for everyone of those terrible people there are 50 of us that love your blog and all you have to offer.
Thanks for what you do!
My thoughts too!
Me too! That was my first thought – WTF would anyone find so objectionable about you or your blog? It doesn’t compute.
Yup. This.
Seriously though…I was having the SAME EXACT thought as I was reading this. How the hell can anyone be so angry and want someone to die because of the way she grows a garden? I am truly baffled by the way some of our fellow human beings’ brains operate. I really can’t even begin to understand where comments like that would come from, especially over a gardening blog for god’s sake!
P.S. “…but it doesn’t take a lot of shit in the pool to ruin the swim for everyone, does it?” Best quote ever!
What Sarah said (cause she said it better than me). Glad you are still writing and not giving up the blog!!
Double thanks for sharing Mr. Money Mustache.
Exactly what I wanted to say. You have a ton of fans out here who love your posts, and maybe a couple of trolls. Whose opinion matters more?
Hang in there, Erica! We love love love NW Edible Life!!!
I’ve never commented before, but just wanted to say:
1) Hear, hear! to all of the above, and
2) I almost chocked laughing about your poop in the pool quote. So perfect.
Oh, you know, choked. I might have chocked too, I can’t be sure. 😉
I wasn’t exactly salivating to read this particular blog, based on the title, but I couldn’t help it. And even though I have never intentionally watched a Star Trek episode from start to finish, I had to keep reading. Your writing is that damn good, in large part because it’s honest. Please don’t deprive us of your blog. Just tell us where the trolls are, and I, for one, go after them with a pitchfork!
Thank you for sharing F.I.N.E.! My day just got brighter!!!
What he said. I hope it’s okay if I steal it…
From a friend who enjoys your blog: It’s hard to respond since you said you aren’t asking for atta-girls. Let me just say this: I LOVE the image you posted with this entry ( “Yes, that’s correct…and the horse you rode in on.”) I can just see a full-size poster of it or a set of postcards or coffee mugs. Great find!
Love that image, too.
I love food and gardening blogs. Yours is one of two (of a huge amount) that I look most forward to in my inbox. I can imagine how awful the awful side of running such a popular blog can… nay, must be. I am so glad to have your thoughts and wonderful practical information and your gardening tools (spreadsheets and such) in my life. I hope you can find the strength to ignore the ass*&^(@ of the world. My world would be quite the poorer without you in it, and since I don’t live on your street, or even in your town, this is my only source for my fix! 🙂
Your post reminds me of a David Lebovitz post entitled WTF (Welcome To France) http://www.davidlebovitz.com/2008/02/wtf/
Thanks for the new tool (F.I.N.E.) I expect to use it (along with W.T.F) often! I hope you can find a way to heal your wounded heart and to continue to add your brand of wonderful to the internet and all your subscribers. You are greatly loved.
PS: Mine too is not an “atta boy”, just a sincere appreciation of all of your work and hopefully a verbal salve to the bruises that you suffer today just like we all suffer occasionally when having a FINE or Welcome To France day.
Sorry to hear about the blobs bothering you…..and I’ve gotta say that was THE BEST rebuttal ever! Sometimes it’s good to get it off your chest!
Did writing this all out help? I hope so! I can empathize about taking such attacks so personally. Friends and words of wisdom also offer little resolution. I’m going to offer some humor because a hearty belly laugh is quite refreshing. I’m the one who commented earlier this summer and referred to my heritage turkeys as heirloom turkeys. LOL
It really did. Writing this post helped more than anything, actually.
Hi Erica. I read your posts every time they come up. I think this is my favorite post. Funny that I really needed it as well. My beloved youngest son is getting married tomorrow to a mostly sweet girl whose mother is a professional shrew. With an enormous fortune that is not used to feed the hungry but is instead used as a weapon of influence and bribery. She is a covetous jealous woman who has turned the head of a woman I have been “friends” with for over 30 years (apparently being called her bosom friend has no special meaning after all). The wedding colour is blue, and said friend has opted to wear said colour, and to call herself my son’s other mother-we will have to see how well her picture taken with the bride and groom turn out. All this shit in my pool has only become apparent in the last few days. I REALLY appreciate the F.I.N.E. acronym. I will be F.I.N.E. tonight at the prenuptual dinner held at a Bar- did I mention the no taste thing? I will be F.I.N.E. at the pig farm where the vows will be taken and the reception will be held. My new name is Grace “really- this is how you are going to behave”)
and I will be F.I.N.E.
Got your back, girl!! Sad thing is that these people have the right to vote. Keep smiling and skip along on your path of creative writing for our enjoyment. That is the part we know and love about you!!!
Seriously how have I never heard of Wheaton’s Law before?! I LOVE IT! And I love you! Don’t let the bastards get you down – which I know is difficult, but know that the world would be less rich without your blog. Here’s another one for you – T.I.T – This Is Temporary – it’s my favorite to remember when you’re going through a shit time… Hugs to you my friend!
Love your blog, love your posts. If it’s any consolation, the older you get the less the hater shit matters. I’m pushing 70, an outspoken progressive liberal in a regressive conservative wasteland……hated by half our city officials (although Tuesday’s election brought a progressive majority back to the council…yay!), and despised by the business & development community. I actually derive pleasure from turning the venom back on them, figuring the more they spew, the better job I’m doing.
Keep up the good work!
Just as an aside – go Linda! I have become more outspoken the closer I get to 70, and have gotten some pretty ugly posts on FB. And Erica, it is true (although you have a VERY long time to go to get to my age) that things get easier as you get older.
I was once told by a dear friend as activist, as I’m sure you already know: They don’t have to like you, they just have to respect you. (The City, County, State officials, etc.)
This helps me whenever I piss off another person in power.
First – HUGS!! Love what you are doing and I so appreciate it. Unfortunately, these rude crude critical people (we need to come up with a term for them) are all over. I went through a moment this week wondering if I should quit Facebook because I get so tired of that crap – some of it from friends and family postings. On a gratitude posting I did this week, two of my family members tried to turn it into a political ranting which actually just showed their ignorance. But my FB posting was not the place to do it. Anyway, I used to enjoy reading the comments posted on articles too. I don’t go there anymore.
I think no matter how thick-skinned you are – some days it just gets to you. We are all here for you when it does.
My ‘F.I.N.E.’ means Fucked Up Insecure Neurotic and Emotional….you’ve evolved beyond me!
You are so good, you just wrote a high grade article about people pooping.
Anybody who has a problem with you has a problem with the many thousands of us who follow your ship and power your shields.
Dump it on us! We can take it!
We all wish right now we could smudge that poop in those trolls’ faces and we would if we could.
For you!
You should start a new blog where you publish all the poop?
Call it “In your face”
Thank you so much Wence. Really appreciate your support.
Wence, I agree!
I love your blog and have been reading it for a long time. I love how you unselfishly share your wonderful gardening knowledge and I have a beautiful cattle panel arch trellis in my back yard to prove it. Please don’t let those few assholes get you down and please don’t stop writing.
This made me like you/your blog even more than I did already, which is crazy lots! But I am really sorry to hear about this. Pooping in the pool, okay, but crapping all over your kale?! C’mon. Keep up your FINE work!
Ditto what everyone else has expressed in their comments, Sarah, and I just want to add : What an exceptional piece of writing you just created from organizing your thoughts around this distressing situation. You have already risen above it in your articulation of the problem. Sending you uplifting vibes to cancel out any hate mail so that you may continue on with your excellent work that we all so appreciate. A++
I love your blog. Great advice. Awesome ideas, professionally written. Thank you for doing such a great job with it.
And, because I think you could probably use a laugh – I noticed that three of the four ‘suggested posts’ that followed this morning’s post were:
Crappy Composter’s Secret to Perfect Compost
Battling Mulch Mountain at the Coop Door
Chicken Coop Update: Sand Bed – Deep Litter Hybrid System
All it needed was the ‘How To Use Pee in your Garden’ and it would have been four of a kind (or a royal flush?) 🙂
Here’s to keeping the poop in the compost where it belongs and OUT of the proverbial blog pool!!
Stay well. Cheers!
Royal flush! Ha! Awesome. 🙂
Well, attacking you is attacking me, because you are what I love and enjoy, immensely. And dilution/venting is probably really healthy – typical of your wiseness. How does it go… “Joys shared are doubled, and sorrows shared are halved.” Hope yours are halved by now. Now I have to deal with my personal indignation….I’ll try to see them as the blind tortred bats that they are…not knowing what they do or say. Thank you for letting us share the barrage. Sharing and honesty are your hallmarks…. don’t change, and keep it up….. we can take it 🙂
I like reading your tales of NW gardening. As a former NW gardener, I mourn the days of growing onions and carrots. I live in Denver and gardening is next to impossible here.
I bought a pomegranate yesterday and I am going try your method of seeding it.
Good for your righteous rant. I’ve decided some people’s sole purpose in life is to spew poison and unwanted advice. Sigh.
Just wanted to pop in and say your writing is amazing. I don’t even garden and I love to read your blog.
I’m sorry to hear about the trolls. They are kind of like the guy who gets road rage at you for something that was actually his fault. You know you shouldn’t care that he flipped you off but you just can’t stop thinking about the incident ALL DAY. Stupid jerks.
I have a small, technical blog that is growing in popularity and have had to deal with this particular problem, but not as extreme as what you’ve run into. It’s not easy, and I’m still figuring it out. I reached out to one of my business heroes and she wrote about me in her newsletter. Maybe there’s some useful advice in there for you too?
Best of luck. Again, I love your blog and you are awesome! 🙂
Thanks Sean, that’s a good link. 🙂
Ugh. I’m so sorry you’re going through this. 🙁 Some people are just vile and they have nothing better to do than troll the Internet. Don’t delete your blog or Facebook page, delete the trolls. As soon as you see a rude word: DELETE, DELETE, DELETE!!! GONE!
If I’m blogging or FBing on a topic that I feel may draw some nasty remarks, I put a warning in my header that all confrontational, hateful, etc. comments will be removed. Take your trash elsewhere.
Good luck to you!
For what it’s worth, I don’t think you should ever have to apologize for venting and expressing yourself on _your_ blog. I enjoy reading your blog (I love the fact that I get it in my email in box) and I enjoy your writing voice. If you wanted to write vent-y posts once or twice or thrice a week it still wouldn’t put me off because, honestly it makes you more human for me. (that said, I’d prefer people didn’t send you horrific emails and be general cretins to you.)
I understand how you feel about the DWWPIYP but yea, that’s life and your friends are right about the wind.
Keep blogging, and know that you are freakin’ awesome!
Can’t believe anyone would want you dead. You’re so cute & harmless with your gardening and canning. Thanks to you I’ve discovered Mr. Money Mustache and have implemented some of his ideas (and yours) so that, one day, I can actually retire with money in the bank.
I love to read about your gardening and canning. Glad to know that the younger generation is not forgetting these traditional skills.
So, THANK YOU for all you do!
If changing the world were easy, then everyone would do it.
Well-ranted, my friend!
I think all your fans share your pain and wish we lived in a kinder, less radicalized world of angry individuals. Your hurt and rage certainly are justified and I truly loved your sharing the F.I.N.E. response. It is now in my arsenal of strategies for a happy life. As a blogger that is just getting going, I appreciate your honesty and wish you 10x success in the coming weeks. I love your blog!
Douche-waffles — first thoughts were 1) dang, even using the French meaning that is one unappetizing recipe name and 2) was looking for baked oatmeal but will take a look at this anyway. No platitudes here. Just hope the scales tip where you need them to in order to let you do what you love.
And even in your rant, you are still teaching you neighbors how to “grow their cabbages”! Because the next time I have one of those days, and someone asks how I am, I will say “F.I.N.E.!” And as pissed off/irritated as I may be, it’s going to make me smile, because I know what F.I.N.E. really means. Sorry about the trolls!
First I’ll start by saying that I freaking love the hell out of your blog. And that I’m sort of thrilled right now that my own blog has such a small following, and is pretty much only read by my Mom. And If she starts sending me hate mail, well… I know where she lives. So I’ll tell you the same thing that I tell my husband every time he comes home from a crap day at work where he had to stay late again because one of his employees called out because they ate too much Halloween candy, or their grandmother died for the 15th time. “They’re not all against you, they’re just all for themselves.” This is the internet. No one has these people chained to a chair with their eyes glued open, forcing them to read your blog. People who don’t like the content of your blog have the freedom to overt their eyes. If they’re attacking you for what they’ve read on your blog then they were just looking for an excuse to attack anyone. Humans have a horrible habit of only thinking of their own needs. So these people who are sending you these hateful things are just feeling lousy about something, and you happen to be the most conveniently close punching bag.
Oh you are such a good writer. I honestly don’t know how you find the time to create such wonderfully written pieces. Do not let these ignorant and hurtful people shape your thinking. Yes it hurts and yes they are vile. Call them out here just as you’ve done. You have a community of folks here who value you and your work. I’m glad you are F.I.N.E. Here is another acronym for you, B.I.T.C.H. (Being In Total Control of Herself). Credit to Saffire, The Uppity Blues Women
I have a challenge for you.
Don’t read them.
It’s hard (it’s so SO hard) not to. You want to, (you really REALLY do). Some twisted little thing in your brain wants to read every hateful, ignorant, vile ridiculous word because in there somewhere, maybe that second line from the bottom, maybe buried in the middle, in there somewhere is a little bit of good! Or a question that actually needs answered!
No, there’s not. There’s nothing in there but shit in the pool.
I’ve been a customer service agent, lead and now manager for 20 years and this is the best thing I have learned. When someone sends that shit, you are not duty bound to read it, process it or respond to it. You are allowed to hit delete te second you realize it’s from a douche waffle and move on with a little less shit in your pool.
Damn, I love it when you let loose and tell it like it is, I just wish the tirade wasn’t because of a bunch of internet asshats.
Also, I’m another non-gardening, non-NW living fan!
Love your site! Do not let those “happiness vampires” take anything from you. Delete, click, block is all they deserve. Then move on. Misery loves company, refuse to accompany people who want to stay stuck in their misery! You are doing a great job and I appreciate it! So enjoy your candor and knowledge! Thank you for sharing your gifts with we who wish to learn!!
You’re the best and don’t let anyone tell you differently. Just DELETE the lower than whale shite scumbags. Love, love, love your writing and have incorporated so many of your gardening and canning ideas into my own little homestead here in SW Wash. Live long and prosper and make it so. /
Hang in there, Erica. We’re rooting for you and I totally support you telling it like it is. Don’t suffer in silence. A little public flogging is absolutely in order for the dimwits who are spewing hate.
Amen. Fuck ’em and feed ’em beans.
The way you write is perfect and encapsulates the truth about douche comments. Lots of love and hugs headed your way!
I wonder if the uptick in hatred and vitriol means you got reposted somewhere on some website or twitter account of some King of the Dipshits. “Hey, let’s all go over here and tell her we want to kill her and rape her chickens! Hur hur hur…”
I have that super thick skin. Always have. What I lack is the oomph to actually care enough to deal with it. I’m so impressed that you do what you do, all the time, and that you have that passion and drive. Also, I am totally going to remember that F.I.N.E. thing forever now, and make it my standard response to a few specific douchecanoes who inhabit my workplace…
Hang in there.
Yes, that’s exactly what happened. I’m not going to go into specifics because I’m not going to send the haters any curiosity traffic, but that’s precisely what happened.
Just call it what it is, cyber-bullying. These people are cowards hiding being avatars with assumed names. It’s pretty nasty stuff. I used to post comments at a favorite religious site. But soon saw a pattern of vicious replies any time I posted. I guess they checked regularly for my comments – sheesh, get a life. It did hurt at first; and you can understand why some teens have even committed suicide from personal attacks of cyber-bullying.
Your blog is in one of 10 I check regularly. I think you can tell there are more of us your fans, than them.
Just another reason why I’ve been reading your blog since 2011, your blunt honesty! I live in South FL so I can’t plant when you plant or what you plant, but you talk about plenty of great ideas that I can and DO follow….but I think what keeps me coming back for more is your honest, heartfelt, not afraid to step on toes writing! So like some other readers said, for every hateful person who is stalking your blog, there are probably 50 of us who love your blog…so post their comments for us to see, let us take some of the burden from your shoulders, let us rip them apart!
Love the blog. Only found you a couple months ago and ravaged the site reading everything. You are so down to earth and I love that you don’t have a “I’m better than you” attitude like some bloggers. Thanks for every and.. you know what.. fuck the haters. 🙂
Don’t let the trolls get you down! Just imagine how pathetic their measly little lives are if they don’t have a single better thing to do than attack a helpful volunteer. As long as the internet exists so will they. Ignore the assholes and be grateful you weren’t cursed with a similar brain disease. Besides, who’s to say some of these aren’t just bratty 11-year-olds (literally) giggling at their moms computer during their slumber party. Keep doin what you do, it’s great!
Here’s a useful acronym to live by: F. E.
(fuck ’em)
Made me think of this: “Never waste a minute thinking about people you don’t like.”
― Dwight D. Eisenhower
OMG, good for YOU to just lay it out there! Fuck those people! Easier said than done, I know, but please don’t let those asshats in your head! I LOVE your blog! Keep up the good work, and know that you are appreciated!
Erica, there is nothing wrong with receiving praise. This is John putting his arm around your shoulder and patting you on your back and saying, “There, there dear. Everything is going to be OK.” And it is going to be OK.
“bullshittery”, I love that new word. May I use it in some of my comments? FYI, if we start seeing F.I.N.E. appearing in other blogs and comments, you maybe able to collect royalties. Be like Brenda in her most southern accent, “Thank you, thank you very much”.
/Sigh. Seeing this kind of thing is so disheartening. I’m not sure what could upset someone the most – the fact that you fermented kale or that you tried using sand in your chicken coop instead of straw (the humanity!!) Then there’s your garden planner – who knows what witchcraft lies within! Enslaving soil bacteria for your own benefit will not be tolerated.
I saw a comment on a National Geographic blog this week that I thought was both funny and a little too close to home. It doesn’t apply directly to hate mail or other horrific verbal attacks but I do think it sums up some of the BS bloggers unfortunately have to deal with from the lesser members of their audience. I offer it here purely because I think a smile would be nice today:
“You do know how comments on blogs work, right? I skim a well-researched, interesting article written in an accessible and easy-reading fashion telling me things that I hadn’t known before about a curious bit of the world and then I leave a supercilious comment about an utterly trivial pedantry to show all the world that I am smarter than them dummies on the Interwebs. I’m not interested in adding anything of substance and certainly don’t care about how much time I spend caviling in public. This is basic narcissism.” – ‘Vizzini’ 1/3/13
Be well and keep inspiring us.