As you guys might recall, in February I spoke at the Northwest Flower and Garden Show. The show launched their new DIY Stage this year, and I was both thrilled and terrified to be the first person in the 25-year history of the show to do a cooking demo.
Newly-launched gardening website Garden TV showed up with something like five cameras to record my demonstration, Cooking Local In The Depth of Winter. I tried to act like this was totally normal for me (which of course it is not) and ignore the add-on terror of being recorded and just talk to the audience about veggies and cooking.
What I’m saying is, I have no idea how to be on camera. But the Garden TV people did a nice job of editing together my explanations, so all the recipes I demo’d live are now captured on film and actually turned out pretty good, I think!
So, if you didn’t make it to the Flower and Garden Show, you can see all the good bits from my Eating Local demo in the following four videos.
Sunchoke Soup with Hazelnuts
Original post and full recipe here.
Brussels Sprouts with Bacon and Maple-Bourbon Vinaigrette
Original post and full recipe here.
Skillet Cauliflower with Curry, Yogurt and Cilantro
Original post and full recipe here.
Magic Mayonnaise and Kohlrabi Slaw
Original post for the mayo recipe here. The slaw doesn’t really have a recipe. I just kinda winged it because I had an extra few minutes at the end of the demo.
Interview Thingy
Garden TV pulled me aside after the cooking stuff and asked me what my deal and this blog’s deal was. So this is an interview of…me.
How exactly do you smoke garlic on the stove? I’m not a complete vegetarian but that sounds amazing!
Wow! Well done! I can’t remember a more articulate interviewee. Not only do you show that you “know your stuff” on the blog, but you sound confident and knowledgeable in the interview. I’m not surprised, I’m even more impressed.
Now that we have these video demonstrations and the national-level interview out of the way, and the 15-minutes of associated fame, how’s the work on that gardening/cookbook/do-it-yourselfer-concept book coming? It’s time to make your own literary statement instead of just recommending good examples of others’ work.
You rocked our new ‘Garden to Table’ seminars at this year’s show Erica! We hope you’ll be back, spatula in hand!
Awesome! What a great opportunity you had, hope you can do it again.
You’re a total pro. Really enjoyed the videos!
Tried the immersion blender mayonnaise method, and I was impressed! Works like a charm. Also, you are a natural presenter. Keeping the audience involved, eye contact, anecdotes, a little joking here and there – you should be on TV!
This is great! Really enjoyed the video, wish I could have been there!
Nope, didn’t look nervous at all. When did you say your national cooking show will be aired? ‘Course, it might be hard to fit into your already full life… Seriously, you are a natural.
I agree — you need your own cooking show!!!
It’s so cool to get to listen to your voice. I think you were awesome on camera.
Agree with other commenters…you were awesome! I was also seriously salivating over the recipes. And I learned some new stuff too! Thanks for posting the vids!