Update: Contest is now closed. Congratulations to contest winner Sarah Z, and thank you to FarmCurious for sponsoring this giveaway. Thank you to all who entered!
You know what we haven’t done in a while? A kick-ass giveaway.
Some time ago, I suggested that you could make a really inexpensive fermenting crock with a Mason jar, a reCAP mason jar lid and an airlock from your local brewery supply store.
There was really only one drawback to my DIY lacto-fermentation converter lid. At the time I invented it, the reCAP lids were only available in regular width. Many fermentation junkies like myself observed that the largest commonly available regular-mouth mason jar is the quart size. What if you want to ferment more? What if you want to ferment things that are bigger than a regular-mouth opening? What then, hmmm?
Well, the reCAP people solved this problem by (finally!) releasing a wide-mouth reCAP lid. And as soon as they did, Nicole from FarmCurious, the urban homesteader’s supply store, paired the wide mouth reCAP with the correct size bung (go ahead, snicker…I understand) and an airlock to create an all-in-one reCAP Fermentation Converter Kit you can use with any wide-mouth mason jar.
Note the wide mouth jar:
As far as I know, FarmCurious is the only place selling reCAP fermenting sets ready to go like this, so if you love this idea but don’t already have reCAP lids you can hack, or don’t want to track down the components on your own, FarmCurious is your source. Nicole sells this three-piece kit (reCAP wide mouth lid, bung and airlock) for $10 at the FarmCurious store, but is giving away three (three!) complete reCAP Fermenting Kits to one lucky NW Edible reader.
As every canning dork knows, you can get wide mouth, half-gallon Mason jars. (Around $12 for a pack of 6 online – avoid shipping if you are near an Ace Hardware.) Pair one of these big ol’ Mason jars with a FarmCurious Wide Mouth reCAP Fermentation Kit and you’ll be up to your elbows in big-batch sauerkraut in no time.
You can enter to win three reCAP Fermentation Kits (total retail value: $30) from FarmCurious by getting your social on.
Pinter-social? Here’s what you need to do:
Create a Pinterest board; call it what you like.
Pin at least three things from the FARMcurious product line that you love/covet/want someone to buy you for the holidays. Tag them with #ediblecurious.
Post a link to your board as a comment on this blog post.
Twitter-social? Click here to tweet about this post, then come back and comment that you’ve done so on this blog post.
Facebook-social? Like the FarmCurious Facebook page, then come back and comment that you’ve done so (or that you already like FarmCurious) on this blog post.
Only-in-person-social? Well, who could blame you? Just leave a comment telling me that you are a social media conscientious objector and name your favorite fermented food and we’ll call it good. (This option reserved for people who really don’t do that other stuff, so don’t try to sneak four entries in, ok?)
Enter to win by tickling whatever social media outlets you prefer. Up to three entries per person, corresponding to the above social media entry methods, will be accepted. Contest closes on Tuesday, December 4th at 6 pm PT.
Good luck, and happy fermenting!
*The Federal Trade Commission is concerned you might misunderstand what a giveaway is, and wants you to know that this thing you are entering to win for free on this blog is being given away on this blog for free. You know, just so we’re all on the same page. More info here.
I just “liked” the FarmCurious Facebook page!
I liked Farmcurious on facebook! I love pickles!
I ‘liked’ them and want to be fermented
I liked Farm Curious on Facebook. Can’t wait to make everyone I know eat sauerkraut!
liked on farmcurious facebook page!:)
I liked (and still like) farmcurious on facebook. woot! I want to get my fermentation on 🙂
I liked FarmCurious page on Facebook.
I liked Farmcurious on FB and wrote a note there, I like the fun named saurkrauts from the Brinery in Ann Arbor, Michigan, check them out on FB too! reCaps look interesting.
Liked on Facebook! And Farmcurious items were a perfect fit for my exiting “Urban Homesteading Inspiration” board http://pinterest.com/jonliz80/urban-homesteading-inspiration/
Plus I tweeted, too!
I hope to start trying fermentation as a means to healing my husband from Lyme Disease which has plagued our family for over 5 years. Digestion is way off and fermented products seem to hold much promise. The store-bought sauerkraut is good but very very pricy! Here is the link to my pinterest page…most FB things I pinned under cooking/food:
Thanks for this giveaway!
social media conscientious objector who loves kimchee!
i like farm curious on fb
i liked farmcurious on facebook
Erica, I created a twitter account recently just so I could follow you, but frankly, I’m scared of that place. Count me as one of the conscientious objectors,please (I’m having flash backs to filling that card out at the post office many years ago . . .) 3 cheers for sauer kraut!
Between you and me, I’m scared of Twitter too. 🙂 It moves faster than my brain most days, though it is unrivaled at allowing connections between people. I only have the time and energy to “do” one social media thing, so I focus on Facebook. Almost all of my Tweets are actually truncated, auto-propagated conversions from Facebook. So I’ll post and “run” a conversation on FB but whatever my original post there was is also send out as a Tweet. Isn’t this a strange modern world we live in?
Thanks for the info, Erica. I’m trying to dip my toes into the social media thing, but man, that water is chilly! DH is vehemently anti-facebook, unfortunately, we think a deeper connection with our customers is crucial for our business to succeed in the future-so, what to do? I’m thankful you are here, doling out advice. I’ve been spreading the word of nwedible all summer, and know of several new can’t-live-without-Erica’s out there. Your blog is the answer to the questions I don’t have answers for. Please keep it up!
I liked farm curious on fb
I tweeted! Thanks for the connection with Farm Curious- never knew they existed until now!
Thanks for the intro to Farmcurious! Love that they’re just across the bay. I’ve “liked them”
I need to get the FB, Twitter and Pinterest thing going once of these days but for now, I’m a CO I guess. Would love to have something like this and learn something new on our path to self sufficiency. And sometime, when I’m active on FB and those other places, I’ll give a big shout out to FarmCurious and NW Edible as always! Oh, love me some sauerkraut and have never actually had homemade. Maybe this will make me have a first, ha.
Wow farmCurious has so many things for my holiday wish list! Buy two cheese making kits get one free! I liked them on facebook! Thanks for the giveaway!!
I already like Farm Curious on facebook!
Liked on Facebook 🙂
Liked Farm Curious on Facebook! =D
I tweeted the link to this great idea. Love it!
hey I’ve already put together my own recap + airlock + half gallon mason jar – so I don’t need to be in the drawing but thanks — HOWEVER I do have a question for you recap fermenters —
how do you keep the food that is being fermented reliably under the liquid. I purchased a different system a while ago & it came with a smaller lid you turn upside down and set inside the main jar lid – keeps the solids down, liquid comes around the side & into the top of the cap – fill up the airlock & everything works well.
with the recap lid – do you just fill with liquid all the way up to the airlock & hope the ferment doesn’t float up & block the bottom of the airlock? am I missing something – or making a big deal out of nothing – I’m still pretty new to fermenting perhaps I’m over thinking this??
thanks for putting this idea all together for us – was in the early queue to get the wide mouth lids from recap – it’s a great idea – appreciate you all!
Pinned and FB-liked!
Great give away:) Difficult to choose my favorite, but i think red beets.. because we eat them with raclette cheese and homegrown potatoes when winter is coming 🙂 I’m a social media conscientious objector from belgium 🙂
Salutations Christelle
Just “liked” FarmCurious. I made sauerkraut this year in an enamel stockpot, but the reCap jar idea looks interesting.
I like any manner of fermented vegetables, but one of my favorites is cauliflower with lots of crushed red peppers! I’m a social media conscientious objector!
Liked you on Facebook – Love that your page was recommended!
j aime farm curious sur facebook,j espere que vous livrez au québec.i like farm curious on facebook,i hope you deliver in quebec. you have just learned a whole sentence in french,have a verry good day erica,i enjoy reading your posts.
Jean Pierre, thanks for giving my French a much-needed mini workout. 😉 I’d be happy to deliver to Quebec – just shoot me an email at nicole@farmcurious.com and I’ll figure out the shipping cost for you.
Just liked the FarmCurious page on FaceBook! Can’t wait for the giveaway because I want to be up to my elbows in sauerkraut! 🙂
I’m afraid I belong to nearly extinct third category; no print, no titter, no facial, hehe. I REFUSE to have FB account just as I REFUSE to own a car.
My favorite fermented food is sauerkraut
I do hope you ship overseas; I’ve never won anything; will that make me a favorite 🙂
Win or no win, I still love your blog and will visit often.
I liked Farm Curious on Facebook. Perhaps this is what I need to try fermenting again…didn’t do so well the last time I attempted sauerkraut.
Liked Farmcurious on Facebook! 🙂 Love fermented food!
Just happily fulfilled my contest duties and liked Farm Curious on FB.
Tweeted the giveaway!!!
Liked Farm Curious on Facebook! Thanks for the wonderful giveaway!
I liked farmCurious on Facebook!
I just liked FarmCurious on FB. Just started fermenting this fall–this is a great giveaway!
I pinned! Can I have one of everything?
I am a social media conscientious ojector, I apprieciate that you provide a means to enter still. My favorite fermented food (to eat or make) would have to be pickles. Thanks for the giveaway!
Already a Farm Curious FB fan! 🙂
loved, ‘Liked’ and Kraut all the way.
I liked FarmCurious on FB! I think this is a great fermentation set up and I really want to try it out.
Liked Farm Curious on Facebook after a great visit with Nicole at Eat Real Oakland!
I’d love some reCaps for smaller batches and splitting batches (spicy and mild)!
– A –
I’m a social media objector 🙂
Favorite fermentable is sourdough bread (and beer).
I liked farm curious on FB – this looks awesome, would love to win it!!!
I am a social media conscientious objector and I have liked FarmCurious Facebook page….what’s not to like about bread and butter pickles…
Liked on FB! Thanks!
I’m a social media conscientious objector, too. My favorite fermented food is cabbage kimchi. Or dosa, injera, lemon pickle, black bean sauce, or kvass. Or a nice dark coffee stout – it’s so hard to pick just one!