We decided to bring in some fresh genetics for our micro flock of Ancona ducks.
Our three new baby ducklings (a male and two females, if the people who check these things are correct) arrived this morning at the local post office. They’d had a long, 2-and-a-half-day trip in a cardboard box from Cackle Hatchery to get to us, so I raced to pick them up and bring them back to the brooder box we’d set up.
Our babies are settling in well, eating and drinking and peeping. We set up a Nest camera (Nest is actually the brand name of the camera, that wasn’t just a lame pun) to live stream the duckling action, and I figured some of you guys might enjoy seeing them grow.
Streaming web-cam stuff is all new for us, but if all goes as planned you should be able to see a video of baby ducklings below:
That. Is. Awesome. Better than April the Giraffe? Welcome back, E.
Ga! They are the cutest things ever. ๐
Hurray for baby ducks! Hurray for hearing from Erica!!
Happy spring!
The video is working and it’s adorable!
Quick, flip that one little duckling over!
Welcome back. We missed you.
It’s down! Not the feathery kind either. I was ready to watch some baby ducks, oh well.
Try again…it sometimes had a moment, particularly if you’re accessing on a mobile device for some reason.
Hmm, yeah – it loads on safari, but not on chrome (58) on linux or osx. Error is: VIDEOJS: ERROR: (CODE:4 MEDIA_ERR_SRC_NOT_SUPPORTED) No compatible source was found for this media.
Huh, but then hitting reload a few times to try and see if I can diagnose further, it just loads fine. So maybe that’s all I needed to do.
Yup exactly the issue I’ve seen. On Windows and iOS too. I’m not sure if it’s client platform related but rather something with Nest’s backend/CDN. Thanks for persevering.
Just in time for Earth Day live streaming baby ducks.
Cool! Do you know about the Hen Cam? https://hencam.com
Oh my gosh they are cute at night, nudging each other, trying to get all settled in.
love love love love love!
Aw, didn’t work for me but then neither did any of your older ‘printable’ pdf’s of gardening aids. I will try again and cross fingers for better luck. Glad that I did mange to download some of the pdf’s for larder storage lists, etc. Hope that all the others are not lost.
The company, dropbox, that hosts all those files , made a change to their system that changed the address of every file. I have to manually recode the location of the files in every place on my site where they appear to the new location before they will work again. My apologies for the inconvenience. It’s a “fix it” problem that’s on my list, but it’s slow going. :/
Duck duck go!