Big Congrats to Marie, the winner of our seed starting challenge! Marie is growing strawberries and artichokes from seed for the first time. Great job! Check your email for info on how to get your certificate for a year’s subscription to Urban Farm Magazine.
Also congrats to At Home On Paradise Cove, who is the blogger winner of the Urban Farm Magazine blog link-up giveaway with the post, Greenhouse Raising.
At Home On Paradise Cove’s post tied with Apron Stringz‘ post, Harvest First, Eat Second in number of reader “likes” it received. I was forced to go to the tie-breaker metric of total number of click-thrus, and in this At Home On Paradise Cove just edged out for the win.
At Home On Paradise Cove, check your email for how to receive your subscription.
Huge thanks to Urban Farm Magazine for sponsoring this giveaway, and to Annette at Sustainable Eats for setting up the Urban Farm Challenge. This seed starting challenge is just one of many prize-linked things Annette is doing, so make sure you check her site for other cool giveaways, challenges, and opportunities to learn tons about building your own little farmlette. And if you don’t yet own the Urban Farm Handbook, the book Annette co-authored, it’s fab and I encourage you to check it out.
That was a great challenge. I found a few more excellent blogs and I really enjoyed the differnt posts.
I just completed a post about my veggie garden!
Whoo Hoo! Thanks to everyone who liked my post and thank you, Erica, for hosting the challenge here on your blog 🙂