I believe at the end of the day you need family, fresh vegetables, a long walk and something you’re working towards to be satisfied.
I believe we are in control of far, far more than we typically act on, and far, far less than we typically worry about.
I believe that rats in a cage who are consistently overcrowded go nuts. And I believe people aren’t really that different from rats.
I think the American poor are going to get poorer and the American rich are going to get richer, and I believe poverty with a garden will always be easier than poverty without a garden.
I believe somewhere between 1 to 4% of all people are sociopaths, and the most successful of these find their way into politics and high-level finance because that’s where the power and the money is.
I believe the news is designed primarily to make you so afraid you can’t look away. People who can’t look away are good for ad revenue. People who are afraid shrink back. People who shrink back will never have the energy to stop and ask why they can’t look away.
I believe that all problems are easier to sort after a good nights sleep.
I believe that all the best, most interesting people are basically weirdos.
I believe that asparagus, snap peas and strawberries are best eaten in the garden, just seconds after being picked.
I believe almost all people are inherently good, but can be made to act very badly if the system is set up to reward very bad behavior.
I believe that, with enough confidence and a clipboard, you can walk into nearly any building in the world.
I believe in the restorative power of bourbon, tea, sleep, a long walk, a great book, a great friend, and great music. Just not all at once.
I believe the role and value of a college education will be dramatically different for my children’s generation than it was for my generation.
I believe you can learn far more in a garden than just gardening.
I believe that no one will ever care about you more than you care about you. Except your mom. She’d tear a fucking wildebeest limb from limb for you.
I believe that a well done Porterhouse steak is a culinary crime. Don’t do that.
I believe love is an active verb, and in practice is a synonym to time.
I believe children should be taught to be polite even when they are frustrated, tired, or mad. A polite child asking for something is far less irritating than a whiney one demanding it.
I believe there are a lot of realities out there for people, and it’s never prudent to assume your reality is more real than other people’s reality.
I believe that what we each do now to build our own life for ourselves, in our own way and according to our own values, is very important. The sum total of all our lives is society, and the sum total of all our values are the values of that society.
What do you believe?
Well said, from one weirdo to another 🙂
I don’t know whether to laugh or cry at all your great points (maybe it’s all the hormones they’re injecting me with). But this is my favorite post you’ve done so far. Love is a verb. And I love all you weirdos!! (myself included, hehe.)
I believe profanity is unnecessary and offensive in a blog like this.
I believe that every time I read a profane word on this blog, it causes a slight jolt (because it’s unexpected) and makes me sit up just a bit straighter and take a bit closer look at what I’m reading. And I believe it doesn’t bother me in the least bit because I feel a bit of relief when I read a “damn” or a “shit” and think to myself, “Well, Erica is keepin’ it real and I’m not only one.” 🙂
i believe that words can be well-used to make a point, as was the case here. I also believe that profanity is not the list of words that are generally considered “not appropriate”; but rather profanity is the death of a child from hunger while food is wasted, it is the suppression of the voice of the poor under the badge of profit, and it is the infinite number of petty coldnesses that we all perpetrated one another because we can’t be bothered.
That is profanity. Fuck is just a word.
Well fucking said.
Bravo, Shawn!
I believe profanity is an unhealthy vocabulary choice for me personally. I believe that other people have the right to feel differently. I believe that, when and if the profanity of others bothers me, I have the right to not consume what they are producing. As has been said, the sum of our values are the values of society. What we consume determines what is produced. I believe we should make our choices accordingly.
Unless you are a mother and you would tear a fucking wildebeest limb to limb for your kid. Whatever their age.
Thank you Erica, this was exactly what I needed this morning. I believe in the inspiration I get from an excellent writer 🙂
I believe that the endless accumulation of stuff for the purpose of holding onto it is a fool’s endgame. I believe the best reason for owning anything is to have it available to share with others.
I believe God owes us nothing and that gratitude helps to bring peace to even difficult situations.
“I believe that, with enough confidence and a clipboard, you can walk into nearly any building in the world.” Okay, this too. A clipboard and a confident wave… like a cross between Doctor Who’s psychic paper and outright insurmountable gall. Quite true. 🙂
You can also walk into any gated community with a leaf blower strapped to your back
You are welcome everywhere with a UPS uniform on. Seriously. No questions asked.
“I believe at the end of the day you need family, fresh vegetables, a long walk and something you’re working towards to be satisfied.” <- this!!
I believe a well-placed F bomb can elevate a nice piece of writing.
I concur….
I agree completely!
Lovely post Erica! Thank you for keeping it real….ALWAYS! And for not succumbing to those that want to tome to come to your blog and read what they want to read, and not what you wanted to write. If you ever changed your tone, I’d feel like I’d lost a best friend.
Enjoy the day in your lovely garden with you darling family!
Right on!
I believe in meeting people where they are at.
I believe in building community in schools, churches, neighborhoods.
I believe in getting to know all my neighbors because in an emergency we will need each other more than our Facebook friends.
I believe in sacrificial love, in giving in when it builds up someone else and doesn’t compromise my values. I believe in compromise and finding workable solutions.
And I believe in everything you said in your post Erica. You are a wise and wonderful woman.
I believe it’s ok to make a mistake. Own your mistakes. Be prepared to do what needs to be done to correct your mistakes. Learn from your mistakes.
Oh, and, real strawberries don’t have styrofoam cores.
I am also a fan of a well placed ‘f’ bomb!
Right on!
I believe that rationality is preferable to religion.
I believe in trying the simplest solution first .
I believe it’s not really a vacation unless it’s at least 10 days long, and 5 weeks is ideal.
I believe in alone time.
I believe there’s not much a good book and a cup of tea can’t cure.
Thanks for sharing, Erica!
I believe that a smile can turn another’s day in a heartbeat, even if it’s an intended smile or not. I also believe that smile can diffuse a situation before it even becomes a situation.
I believe that sometimes when one has Just. Had. Enough. if they step back for a half sec and take a breath, that things can slow down a bit.
I believe that nothing good happens between the hours of 11:00 pm and 5 am. Except sleep. Sleep is good. If trouble-makers would just get some dang sleep, the world might be better.
I believe that chocolate–the good stuff, not the cheap nasty chocolate–can temporarily sooth a lot of woes, and sometimes “temporarily” is enough to change things around.
I believe in letting people grow, and encouraging them to grow, and not mourn the person they used to be, but celebrate the person they are and who they are becoming, because without growth, there is death.
I believe I miss a cold can of Coke more than I thought I would when I decided to give up my Two Ice Cold Cans of Coke per Day habit.
I believe there are some things in life that regardless of how sick or aged I become, I’ll remember forever. Kissing my son’s downy head when he was a tiny infant, the smile on my granddaughter’s face, the first bite of really good sushi, the laughter of my family, and the smell of rain are all firmly embedded in the folds of my brain.
I believe people seek out what resonates with there deepest urges.
Love love love it! Couldn’t agree more! I just tasted my first strawberries in the garden yesterday 🙂
I believe your posts are a lot of fun on the average day and inspiring on a good day.
I believe you have never met my mother.
Nor mine. Her favorite thing to say regarding motherhood was, ‘I really wanted a puppy. I got a baby instead.’
being “farm poor” is way way way better than being “regular” poor – at least you don’t have to eat pigeons.
*wonders if i’m a weirdo, hopes so…..*
cheers! I’m more of a tequila girl myself, but I’m with ya.
I believe in the power of platonic touch and its importance to our mental health.
I believe meaningful work/activity is important to our satisfaction, and that too much idleness eats away at our sense of self-worth.
I believe that God loves everyone. I believe hard truths can be spoken in love. I believe people can change. I believe real, profound change is very difficult, even painful.
I believe it’s worth it.
Absolutely loved this post! It compelled me to get up in the middle of breakfast, come to my computer, and write my own riff on it with a link back to this.
I especially loved your second one: “I believe we are in control of far, far more than we typically act on, and far, far less than we typically worry about.”
For those who don’t want to read my post, I think the best one I came up with and want to share is this one:
I believe we can never, ever truly know someone, and that is the beauty of interacting with others. They are mysteries, other, and should always be able to surprise us.
I believe nothing eases the stress of the day like a good dog and a pint of pale ale – especially if you made the ale yourself (and I have the recipe).
You are awesome! That’s all
I believe that a fantastic post like his keeps me coming back o your blog. I believe that life is the myriad you post: ducks, gardens, family and all things unique about ourselves and not who we are told to be. Thank you Erica.
For a decade or more my email signature has been “I believe in Fenyman, Einstein, and the intoxicating power of whisky,” though I’m considering adding Boltzman to that list. But I’ve also come to believe a few other things.
I believe elegant solutions rarely stay that way for long. Nor does any plan long survive first contact with the enemy.
I believe everyone is trying to get a piece of my time and my attention and the harder they try, the less I am inclined to give them any.
I believe that almost all things in life are cyclical and the best we can do is try to damp out the extremes while always expecting change.
I believe that people see false dichotomies and unnecessarily zero-sum situations all the time. Sometimes, yes, you get back more than you give and sometimes, yes, there is another solution.
I believe in the wonderful expressiveness of the English language and Perl regexes.
I believe in quiet time alone.
Great Great post! I feel much more at peace after a long,tough day. Thank you, Erica!
You always give me something interesting to think about.
Best post yet, and that’s REALLY saying something. Thank you very much Erica!
I believe it’s better to put your energy into learning and doing good things, than fussing about what bad people are doing (that you can’t stop).
I believe you’re right! And I believe that ‘it’ is always changing, and the only true reality is right here, right now – kiss the joy as it flies. From another introverted weirdo… who, nevertheless, takes it as her personal challenge to elicit a smile (or, better yet, a laugh!) from everyone she meets, even the phone solicitors! 😉
I believe that in the end humans have only the human race to rely on-and that can be either the most terrifying or wonderful thing. It just depends on what part of humanity one is relying on. I believe it’s my job as a friend, mother, spouse,etc to make that thing wonderful. And to teach my children to do the same.
I believe my wife has more Stuff than I do (and I suspect that I am wrong on this and, once again, need to give away about 1/3 of my clothes… )
I believe that being a chatelaine is, for real, a 20hrs/week job all by itself.
I believe that MANY people would be happier if they had the option of working half-time for above-minimum wage and dedicating the other 20 hours/work-week to creative/family/joy-inducing activities.
I believe my soul needs water to survive just as much as my body does.
I believe there are many, many gods, goddesses, and various other deities all over the place, including under our feet.
I believe that Things are people, too – though how this relates to Point One (above) is… knotty, at best.
I believe in the importance of knowing which wild-plants-that-grow-in-your-neighbourhood are ones you can eat (and which ones are good for curing a cold, getting your milk to come in, etc), versus which ones will make you sick.
I believe that Telling The Internet is a bit like “telling the bees”, and that it can be an act of magic.
I believe that my PM owes his allegience only to the oil industry and, also, What Erica Said About Sociopaths, yo.
I believe in mending stuff
I believe in glass and metal and wood and wool and leather; I believe in things that are made to last (but that will, in general, also rot given enough time and neglect)
I believe in feeding people
I believe in DIY, even though I’m not that good at a lot of DIY
I believe in walking places
I believe in interstitial art
I believe Strength In Diversity
I believe Resistance is Fertile
I believe survivors
I believe that margins are always creative spaces, whether on paper or in cities
I believe boundaries are important and allowed
I believe I am both a country mouse and a city mouse at the same time
I believe in selfcare
I believe in community care.
I believe in mutuality and interdependence, and I also believe in lots of time to oneself
I believe a good book is a great escape and, frequently, a great teacher.
I am, slowly but surely, beginning to believe in the abundance of the world’s goodness – whether that’s love without limits or serviceberries availabe for free from parkland trees
I believe in hospitality, and am working towards living that belief in as open and welcoming a way as possible
I believe that glitter-family, wine-family, leather-family, and poly-family are just as real and beloved as blood-family and marriage-family
I believe in Thank You.
I believe there’s usually a better way. You never know until you find it, which won’t happen unless you look for it.
Awesome! I’ve been told many times I am a weirdo, and embrace it ✌️
I believe God likes weird. Consider baby hippopotami. I believe God has all Nigel Hawthorne’s videos and he makes the angels watch them over and over. I believe when Erica speaks from the heart it makes the rest of us realize we may be very odd but we are not alone. And I agreed with Erica on most points but not sure about the porterhouse.
Well said, Erica. I especially liked your perceptive comments about “the news.” Other than the weather report (which is, half the time, wrong), I do not watch the news or the commercials which surround said “news.” I can’t think of a bigger downer on television! Keep up the good work on this website and in the other areas where you reach out to others. I just saw the episode of “Growing a Greener World” in which you were featured and enjoyed it very much. Nice job with the ducks!
I believe that courtesy and compassion are the cornerstones of civilization; without them we are not truly human.
I believe I nodded and grinned through this whole post.
I believe in not sweating the small stuff.
I believe I am on this earth to be happy…tough job, I know, but someone’s gotta do it.
I believe that in 100 years, mostly all new people.
I believe in God, the glorious, awesome, loving and compassionate God of the Bible, who created this wonderful world and gave us everything we need to know Him.
I believe God designed nature to work in perfect balance and made it beautiful just to please us and Himself.
I believe that libraries and indoor plumbing are the high points of civilization.