I know you. We have a lot in common. You have been doing some reading and now you are pretty sure everything in the grocery store and your kitchen cupboards is going to kill you. Before Your Healthy Eating Internet Education: I eat pretty healthy. Check it out: whole grain crackers, veggie patties, prawns, broccoli….
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Never Buy A Rotten Avocado Again
Where I live, far from avocado country, it’s not unusual for organic avocados to be $2.50 or $3 each. “Oh, waaah, you big crybaby,” locavore purists might argue, “avocados are expensive because you live in Seattle, so stop buying non-local food!” To which I reply: “The zombies can have my guacamole when they pry it…
The Homesteading Hypocrite
The moment I launched this website I started down a path towards raw hypocrisy. I had no idea at the time that this was what I was doing, and it certainly wasn’t my intention. Nonetheless, looking back over the past year+ of posting, it is clear that hypocrisy was inevitable. I have these ideals, you…
Chicken Coop Update: Sand Bed-Deep Litter Hybrid System
I’ve had a few readers ask for coop updates since we switched the area under the rooting bars from straw to sand. Ask and ye shall receive. Sand Bed Update The sand bed under the roosting bars is working out very well. The sand works like kitty litter and dries the chicken poop out. There is…
Don't Buy These 5 Williams-Sonoma Agrarian Products
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Wall Mounted Clothes Drying Rack, Perfected
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Stop Ripping Up Your Lawn To Grow Veggies
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How To Cull The Weak
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Should You DIY or Hire A Pro?
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The Productivity Junkie Had A Baby
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No Use For Coupons
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Pantry Ranting
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