Regular guest poster David walks us through the magic that happens when you combine rabbits and chickens, and how he implemented this synergistic pairing on his own urban homestead. One of the easiest to understand tenets of permaculture is the goal to use “stacking functions” wherever possible. Simply put, functions are “stacked” when you can…
Herbs To Boost Immunity in Rabbits
Sick rabbits, by and large, are dead rabbits in my experience. Dead rabbits – when they die before you harvest them for meat – are a waste of your precious time, resources, and wear you down psychologically. I detailed my struggles with meat rabbits in 2017. My research indicates that herbs, more than anything, are…
Homesteading at Rock Bottom
Have you ever hit rock bottom with your homestead? Guest poster David experienced huge losses in his meat rabbit set-up. Here’s how he confronted the feeling that maybe homesteading just wasn’t worth it anymore.
It's Okay to be a Homesteader and Hate Canning
I’m a homesteader, but the more I thought about canning, the more I hated it. It felt weird to admit it at first, but this year I’ve done almost no canning and I’ve never been happier. Here are all the reasons I hate canning, and what I’ve come to prefer instead.
Meat Rabbits: Truths No Homesteading Article Tells You
Homesteading articles like to claim meat rabbits are an almost effortless way to produce hundreds of pounds of meat in a small space. But there are a lot of challenges that come with raising meat rabbits. Here’s what you need to know before you start raising meat rabbits.
Urban Composting Complaints & How to Avoid Them
There’s so many great reasons to compost! But nosy, disapproving neighbors and code violations can make your life a living hell. Avoid urban composting complaint frustrations – without giving up your composting!